Voigtlander APo Lanthar |
Leitz Elmar |
This is not scientific test, just quick test for my new Voigtlander
APO LANTHAR 90mm f/3.5 MC Leica 39 screw mount compared to my
Leitz Elmar 90/4 Leica M mount. Both has silver body, beautiful.
Voigt condition is like new body & glass, while Leitz's body like new too but glass has cleaning mark ( due to my shots this isn't affect image quality ).
The elmar has longer body than lanthar
Lanthar's body is fatter
Lanthar has 10 blades
Elmar 15 blades
aperture 3,5 -22 of lanthar
aperture 4-32 of elmar
lanthar is MC, elmar no coating sign
here's the shot with Sony NEX5
elmar |
lanthar |
Elmar |
Lanthar |
elmar |
lanthar |
elmar |
lanthar |
Voightlander APO Lanthar 3.5/90 MC LTM clearly superior lens to this Elmar. Lanthar has better color, contrast, sharpness and smoother boke blur. The Elmar is of course an older lens and single coated. There is another APO Lanthar lens designated SL for reflex; different formula and not as good lens as the LTM version IMO. Thanks for showing :)
BalasHapusfunny thing is, elmar has better CA control, despite of APO name